Ashley Abercrombie is the Editorial & Culture Lead at Spotlight & Co in Los Angeles. As a skilled writer, strategic thinker, and clergy leader, she spends her life in service to others.

Ashley’s personal challenges and experience serving people in three regions of the US empowers her to understand power dynamics and interpersonal struggles often invisible to people.

Words & Wisdom

Est. 1981

A writer with a diverse, sharp skillset: Since the fourth grade, I’ve used my creative juices to tell stories and persuade people. Personal pan pizzas were my top motivators then but making sense of a world that is often beautiful and brutal motivates me now. A ghostwriter for nine books, author of two, and editor of dozens, my skills span genres and reach diverse audiences. As a clergy leader, I’ve traveled across the nation and around the world to places like Colombia, Canada, Mexico, South Africa to train and teach people in the process of transformation. Inside organizations, I use transitional thinking to strengthen bonds, foster connection, and encourage clarity in values between executives, leaders, and teams.

Advocacy & Justice

Since 2010

Trained in CCD principles, I worked across multiple sectors to affect change in Los Angeles and Manhattan, winning several commendations from former LA Mayor Villaraigosa for my work. As a licensed minister and former prison chaplain, I built teams, started initiatives, and served people across social locations to affect individual and communal change. Through serving on the front lines of interfaith efforts like turning over the family separation EO and serving as the Executive Board Chair for Treasures, a nonprofit focused on anti-human trafficking efforts, I am capable of communicating and gathering people across social locations around a common cause. In June 2025, I will hold my Masters in Justice & Advocacy from Fuller Seminary.

Women & Sobriety

2014 until forever

I use my voice to highlight the shared struggles of women across a spectrum of economics, cultures, and abilities. Using my own journey of sobriety (twenty-three years) and two decades of serving women healing from a wide variety of issues — domestic violence, abortion, abuse, codependency, perfectionism, and more — I normalize the human experience, remind people they are not alone, and speak up to motivate and encourage change.

Known for her wisdom, authenticity, and humor, Ashley’s past speaking engagements include the Langston Hughes House, Columbia University, Loyola Marymount’s Take Back the Night, St. Mary’s Organizational Change Cohort, as well as conferences and retreats for a variety of communities. Her work is featured in Scary Mommy,, Darling Magazine, Fuller Seminary, and more. Her first book Rise of the Truth Teller was a Baker Book House bestseller in 2019 and her second, Love Is the Resistance, was Christian Audiobooks Editor’s Pick in 2021. Ashley is a strategic advisor to executives, a gifted communicator, advocate and friend.