January Outreach in Photos
When it comes to reaching out to people - our neighbor, our family, our community, those hurting in our city, even people on the other side of the globe, it's really only the first step that's difficult. And just like Pringles, once you start, you can't stop. Here's what we were up to this month (plus a few fun personal things :))
This is Will, an ex-marine, who lent his strength to us. And thank goodness for my hubby, Cody's big truck from Texas - we need a Kiddie pool for an outreach with Jonah Project to baptize people on Skid Row. 8 people decided to get baptized on the first Saturday in January!
Beautiful Mary, on the right, has been discipling this gal in the pool at Jonah Project - it was a big day for them both! She was so excited to take the plunge!
This is Tom Burkhardt, one of our local outreach directors - He tebowed in the kiddie pool for our Pastor Philip, who has been known to tebow in church.
Speaking of baptisms, we had some the next night at Oasis (That's Anthony Powell above) and 5 folks from our Outreach team were baptized as well - here's beautiful Melissa from our Food Pantry Outreach Group. I am so proud of her!
While our team cleaned the LAPD Wilshire Station, we hit the neighborhood. Crystal's on the left, in a Crips Neighborhood and we're giving out 50 free bags of groceries. Yes, I am wearing a Red shirt, like a fool. I didn't even know until LAPD asked Brandy Chagolla why we were out there without an escort... Oops.
Las ninas bonitas... Natalie and Rachael speaking Spanish to the little ones through the fence. Next Generation of our leadership team!
Here we are at the end of the day to help with a Godchicks Photo Shoot. I sat on Natalie's mom, Kelly to have a rest and we were joined by Araceli, Rachael, and Janaya. Janaya won our Hero of the Week award for being such a fearless All Star on the streets!
Here's our team in the Union Rescue Mission Kitchen, the second Saturday of the month. We had a blast cutting croutons, washing dishes, serving food and listening to Motown with the URM kitchen crew.
I texted my handsome husband to let him know I was date ready in my Hair Net. He said, aaahhh yeaaahh!
This is Jennifer Perkins, Food Pantry Director. While we were working in the kitchen, she took people to Normandie & Wilshire to give out 50 more bags of groceries. She's a legend - honored she's on our team!
On a personal note, my beautiful Mama turned 53 this month - she's as stunning as ever and more tenacious than any other person I know. She's still transforming and that continually inspires me and our family. These are all my bros and sisters.
This is a personal one, but my good friend Charm turned 25 this month. Where better to celebrate than the Grove Trolley?!
Another personal one, my gorgeous friend Brandy Chagolla had a birthday as well. She's my right hand (wo)man on the team - Love this girl - she is family!
You can't speak about justice too long without MLK Jr coming up. We celebrated him this month as well.
We have many outreach groups in our city, every day of the week. I love this picture! Hope Gardens, our Wednesday group, donated ALL of this to Nancy Jundi's Friday night Homeless Teen Outreach. Email Outreach@OasisLA.org to get more involved!
This is Amber and her new son Sam. She's adopted him. We prayed over him at the hospital before he celebrated his 1st birthday & headed to his new home.
We've been fasting, praying, and pledging towards our Heart for the House Campaign. This is Nicole Reyes interviewing Ryann Lecklider, who gave all the money she had been saving for a car to Heart for the House. The next day, a couple GAVE her a car!
This is Tera and Jaymaka, who won our Hero of the Week award today, our last Saturday Outreach of the month. We cleaned John Burroughs, who only has 2 facility staff for their huge campus (LAUSD cuts). To give you an idea, with 60 of us, we only cleaned 5 classrooms. We loved serving Sharon, who cleans the whole school!
And probably the biggest Outreach opportunity our church had this month was The View. Sherri Shepard chose our Pastors - Philip and Holly - as her mentors & interviewed them on the show. I cried when I watched it! They're incredible people. Thankful!
The Abercrombies had a great January. We prayed every day with our church family, gave up sweets, coffee & bread for 21 days-tonight we are about to eat some serious chocolate- celebrated friends, fell more in love & went to Knotts Berry Farm. We love you!